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Wyndcliffe Primary School

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Pupil Leadership

We encourage our children to take on different leadership roles and responsibilities within school. We believe that all of our children can play an active role in contributing to school life, be it attending senior leadership meetings, leading subjects with teachers or leading by example as prefects. Our pupil leaders are encouraged to contribute by making decisions and positive contributions to life at Wyndcliffe.

We want to provide our children with opportunities to develop their confidence, leadership skills, critical thinking, communication and teamwork abilities so that they can learn to use and apply these skills in their later lives.

Here you can learn about how the different groups make an impact on the school:

Green Team

Our children have become passionate ambassadors of sustainable development and it is the role of our green team champions to drive this throughout the school.

Oracy Champions

The Oracy Champions will work in partnership with teachers and leaders to help develop and implement Oracy elements which will allow our students to become effective speakers and listeners so that they can understand each other and the world around them.  Finding their voice to succeed in school and life !

Peer Tutors

At Wyndcliffe, some of our children have undertook some very special training to become Peer Tutors.  They learnt the strategies they would need to become an effective Reading Peer Tutor. After completing their training course, each child was paired with a child in Year 3. Each pair meets weekly to complete a reading session.

Play Leaders

Our play leaders have been trained to organise activities for fellow peers on the playground. They encourage peers to join in games and to extend their friendships.


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Subject Ambassadors

Our children are in teams that represent every subject. They meet regularly to discuss what is working well and how they want future learning to be shaped. Children visit lessons, review books and feedback to staff - giving them a most powerful voice throughout school at every stage of their learning.

UNICEF Ambassadors

Our UNICEF Ambassadors are making sure that the UNICEF articles are displayed around our school, that they are talked about in lessons and that the UNICEF Duty Bearers are raising the profile of them in all that they do.

Recently, the UNICEF Ambassadors have had the pleasure of meeting with Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State Shabana Mahmood; during their meeting they were able to discuss their worries and concerns regarding littering and anti-sociable behaviour outside of our school and they are looking forward to improvements being made.

The ambassadors have also been working with STAR Charity and have arranged for a clothes recycling bin to be placed on our school grounds; the money raised from this will support young people in the community. The items we are asking the public to donate are clothes, paired shoes, towels, curtains, blankets, sheets and books. 

The UNICEF Ambassadors are also overseeing battery recycling in our school; they have asked children and staff to bring in old batteries so that the Ambassadors can ensure that they are recycled correctly. We are working with the 'Duracell Big Battery Hunt' who will take the old batteries apart and recycle them into different objects.

Last year, the Unicef team and EYFS supported a school in Ghana – New Bantama Primary School, by providing them with books and furniture. New Bantama Primary School was able to set up a library.

This year, we are supporting another school, St. Saviours Primary School, by providing them with books. We cannot wait to see what they have done with them!

Click here to find out all about our Ghana project where we have supported a school in Ghana with creating their very own library!

Click on the links below to find out more about UNICEF Children's Rights:



Wellbeing Ambassadors

The wellbeing ambassadors are a team that consist of a child from each class in KS2. Their goal is to improve the wellbeing of the Wyndcliffe community, and they do this by; liaising with their peers and teachers to look at new initiatives, raising awareness of wellbeing and the importance of it, and supporting with implementing key changes across school. They are children that have been chosen due to their passion and enthusiasm to promote change.